
SAKTEE Project

Capacity Building Training on CCAT and IGA

• Introduction

One of the key focus of the SAKTEE project was the capacity building of the stakeholders. For this four sets of training modules (CCAT in Coastal areas and wetland as well as resilient livelihoods in two ecosystems) were prepared based on the training needs assessed (TNA) through baseline study and stakeholders consultation on CCAT and climate resilient livelihoods. Series of training sessions (108 sessions in Satkhira and 108 sessions in Sunamganj=216) were organized on adaptation technologies (focusing on water and agriculture sectors) to build awareness and capacity of the poor women, men and socially disadvantaged groups. Furthermore, a total of 108 training sessions (54 sessions each in two districts) on IGA and climate resilient livelihoods for the poor were organized.

Event details

Each training session included 25-30 participants: poor women and members of the socially disadvantaged and disaster-affected families. Most of them were selected from the list of the Social Safety Net programme of the local government, by the Union Parishads and DWA, Upzila office. The trainings on climate resilient livelihoods focused on income-generating activities and livelihood diversifications for the poor women and socio-economically disadvantaged groups. To build the capacity of the trainers, two separate ToT programs were organized in Dhaka at BCAS office. Training sessions were held at the community places (courtyard, school premises and community centres). The posters in the training modules were displayed for sharing information, ideas and exchange of views of the participants. Experience sharing and storytelling on the relevant issues were encouraged during the training session for enhanced Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) in relation to gender-responsive adaptation and resilient livelihoods.


A total number of 5,846 participants attended the 324 training sessions in Shyamnagar and Kaliganj upazilas of Satkhira District and Jamalganj and Doara Bazar Upazilas of Sunamganj District. Among them 3,898 were women who took part in the 216 CCATs training sessions. Another 1,497 women and 452 men gained skills in IGA through 108 training sessions on resilient livelihoods. They were also given training on knowledge management networks on climate change, and gender and social inequity; Use of community radios for dissemination of knowledge on gender differentiated impacts, vulnerability and adaptation technologies through awareness raising activities.

Climate change impacts and adaptation

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SAKTEE Project

House # 10, Road # 16A, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh


(+88-02) 8818124

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